
Icon with magnifying glass and documents

The objectives

Google was looking for strategic insights that could be used to update their sales messaging, shape their approach to industry engagement, and that would position them as a thought leader in the TV industry. They needed to gain a deeper understanding into the current industry challenges faced by C-level decision makers at broadcasters, OTT providers and other video-centric publishers, and how they intended to address those challenges through business strategy, technology and partnerships.

case study research

our approach

We recommended a qualitative methodology that would provide Google with access to the most qualified group of broadcasters, OTT providers and publishers available. It would also provide Google with the depth and richness they would need to inform their internal and external marketing initiatives.

  • 20 in-depth interviews in the US
    • 10 broadcasters and OTT executives
    • 10 brands and agencies
  • Each interview was approximately 60 minutes in length
  • The research was double-blind
    • Google does not know the identity or company of those who were interviewed
    • Those interviewed did not know that it was Google sponsoring the research
Icon research outcomes

the outcome

  • Google created a whitepaper with the results to showcase their leadership in the future of TV
  • Google was seen as a thought leader—the whitepaper was downloaded thousands of times
  • Google used the insights during a fireside chat at TV Week NYC on stage with CBS and Disney
  • The whitepaper will be featured at an executive event

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