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The objectives

An e-Learning provider launched its first online degree program, which included fourteen degrees in partnership with top universities around the globe. After years of success, the provider was interested in conducting quantitative research in North America, Western Europe, Latin America and India to assess what additional degree programs it should add to its course catalog.

Specific objectives of the research included:

  • To better understand which degree programs customers were most interested in enrolling in
  • To better understand what degrees should be sourced from which schools and countries
  • To determine what kind of demand the provider should expect and at what price point
case study research

our approach

We recommended a quantitative online survey that included a Kano Q-Sort and a choice-based conjoint exercise that required existing customers to make trade-offs between degree programs, school types, geographies and price points. Through the use of these advanced analysis techniques, our client would be able to understand which degree programs customers were most interested in, and subsequently, how sensitive customers were to increases or decreases in price.

  • 9,000 completed responses in the US, Canada, Europe, Latin America and India
  • The online survey was approximately 15 minutes in length
  • Respondents were sourced from the client’s customer database
Icon research outcomes

the outcome

  • Our client used the survey results to enhance their portfolio of degree programs to ensure a broader representation of degree programs, school and universities, as well as geographies.
  • Our client was able to double down on Latin America with new university partners in Mexico, Colombia and Argentina. In the past year alone, they’ve been able to add more than 5 million new learners and have seen more than 8 million enrollments in this region.
  • Our client is currently conducting a follow-up, quantitative study among prospects to better understand how their wants / needs might differ from the existing customer base.

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